Documents and Forms

  • Periodic Table of Global Fiduciary Practices for Investment Stewards
    Summerizes best fiduciary practices for trustees, investment committee members, and other investment stewards
  • SAFE - Self-Assessment of Fiduciary Excellence for Investment Stewards
    The first resource that we recommend that every trustee or investment committee member avail themselves of is the Self Assessment of Fiduciary Excellence for Investment Stewards, or SAFE™. Published by Fi360, Inc., it consists of 22 questions intended to assist you in analyzing how well your trust or organization meets recognized standards and best practices developed by the Center for Fiduciary Studies™. To download a PDF of the SAFE™ to review or complete, click the link above. To discuss the results of your SAFE, or to receive a complimentary commercially-printed version of the SAFE, contact David Boone at 404-713-0247 or e-mail him.
  • A MATTER OF TRUST: The Benefits of Choosing an AIFA Designee - For Investment Stewards
    Discusses your responsibilities as a fiduciary and how an Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst™ can help you fulfill them